DANIEL THE PROPHET Daniel was a man of God and we can all learn from his example. He did remarkable things like interpreting dreams and visions, interpreting God’s handwriting on the wall but he never took any credit, refused to take bribes or listen to flattery, always referring back to the Lord. Daniel and his friends showed purity of character, righteousness and a decisive commitment to follow the Lord in all circumstances regardless of the danger they faced. Daniel prayed in a deep, spiritual way. Every circumstance that came his way was taken to the Lord in prayer. It is clear Daniel read the Scriptures because he realised the Jewish exile to Babylon was to end after seventy years (Jeremiah 25:11 & 12 and 29:10) and he responded with prayer and repentance (Daniel 9:3 to 19). Read more at: www.bibleabookoftruth.com