JERUSALEM ‘Melchizedek king of (Jeru)Salem brought out bread and wine. He was Priest of God Most High. He blessed Abram and said, “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth, and blessed be God Most High Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all he had’ (Genesis 14:18 to 20). This verse is the first time Jerusalem was mentioned in the Bible. Salem means ‘Peace’ and was the original name for the city. Jerusalem means ‘House of Peace’. It is the only place on earth where the Bible says the Lord dwells and has His Tabernacle. ‘In Judah, God is known. His name is great in Israel. His Tabernacle is in (Jeru)Salem. His dwelling place is in Zion’ (Psalm 76:1 & 2). Read more at: