MIXED MULTITUDES LED THE ISRAELITES INTO SIN The mixed multitude of Gentiles who left Egypt with the children of Israel were people of their generation and culture. They were idolaters. They worshipped idols of every description and the thought of having just one Diety to worship was alien to them. They were Egyptians plus other races of people who were living in Egypt at that time. When this multitude of people realised the Hebrews were leaving Egypt, they must have believed they would have a safer life with the Hebrews, rather than stay in Egypt where the plagues had just taken place, or perhaps because there was very little left in Egypt for them. They may have fled Egypt in terror. Whatever their reason for leaving Egypt, there is no scripture telling us they ever believed in the Lord God. They may have obeyed the laws given to the Israelites out of fear but few, if any changed their idolatrous ways. If these people had genuinely changed their ways and turned to God, Israel...