This is bound to be a contraversial subject but it is one the Lord wants people to know about. In this time in human history, the Lord is separating sheep from goats - dedicated people from lukewarm. There are many areas of our lives that need to be surrended to the Lord and for some people, their dogs may be one area they need to surrender to Him.
Dogs may seem to be a mundane topic but remember, all scripture is written by inspiration from God and valuable for teaching ... and for instruction in righteousness. Jesus never owned a pet and neither did any of the disciples. They were interested in people more than animals. Most people have never given a thought about what the Bible says about dogs but as we can see in the scriptures, dogs are not high in the Lord’s favourite animal list.
The Lord associates dogs with pigs, murderers, idolatry, witchcraft, prostitutes, homosexuals, gore, violence, evil, worthlessness, foolishness, greed, deception and sinful religious leaders who love to destroy the souls of innocent people. There is not one verse in the Bible that speaks of dogs in a positive way but there are over fifty verses putting dogs in a negative light along with jackals, wild dogs, wolves, hyenas and other canines. There is not one verse that mentions dogs as domestic pets except those owned by ungodly people.
The scriptures make it clear what dogs were created for – scavengers.
The Lord associates dogs with pigs, murderers, idolatry, witchcraft, prostitutes, homosexuals, gore, violence, evil, worthlessness, foolishness, greed, deception and sinful religious leaders who love to destroy the souls of innocent people. There is not one verse in the Bible that speaks of dogs in a positive way but there are over fifty verses putting dogs in a negative light along with jackals, wild dogs, wolves, hyenas and other canines. There is not one verse that mentions dogs as domestic pets except those owned by ungodly people.
The scriptures make it clear what dogs were created for – scavengers.
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